Pico Balloons & HAB's

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New PicoBalloon (Call Sign KC9LGS/8) just launched 12-29-23 at 2:40PM EDT

See Video of this New December Balloon Launch


 Our Pico Balloon Launch August 2023 Click Picture for Video
Detailed Flight & WSPR:  GPS Jamming Maps:
Click Here for details) KC9LGS/C  Back to life after 24 days of no signal.  [DAY] 95 Approx. 7 or 8 times around the EARTH.
Pico Tutorial - W5KUB (by far the best tutor for newbie's to PicoBallons)
WSPR was NOT made for Pico Ballooning - But we appciate it's benitfits [See Video].

Students film breathtaking curvature of Earth using high-altitude weather balloon
Pico Balloons High Altitude Balloons BalloonsConference
 Earth's stratosphere using a high altitude weather balloon.

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  Ten Commandments of Pico Ballooning
1 Mounting Solar Panels correctly and carefully.
2 Making Pico Balloon Antenna
3 24-hour pre-stretching of Pico Balloon Pressure Yokohama balloon
4 Pressure test of a pico balloon
5 Filling Pico Balloon with Helium or Hydrogen
6 Sealing a Yokohama Pico Balloon
7 Launching Pico Balloon Long Duration LaunchB
8 Have a friend help with most steps above
9 Watch the Clouds Wind Before Launch
10 Join groups.io picoballoon *************************************
  Important recap

Very useful links below

1 Light Tracker LoraWan
2 Pico Balloons - more info
3 See HAB Burst 110,000 Ft.
4  Pico Balloons - W5KUB (by far the best tutor for newbie's to Picos)
5 Link to: Edge of Space Sciences
6 U4B Balloon Tracker
7 Building pico balloon
8 Did USAF Shoot Down of a Pico Balloon
10 LightAPRS-W-2
11 Traquito Intro
12 Traquito Git Hub
13 Link Removed
14 Open Source LoRa and LoRaWAN
15 TinyGS
16 Helium  (LoRaWan)
17 TNN (LoraWan)
18 TNN Mapper
19 Helium Explorer

Hydrogen/Helium Tank Chart

Got qestions? Please email here.

Current Pico Flights via our local Amateur Radio Operators
1 KC9LGS/G MARCH 8th 2024 -lost
2 Dan Welch KC9LGR old launch -lost
3 Rob Best KC9LGS/C July 28th 2023 -lost
4  Rob Best KC9LGS/D  (Launched 02-22-2024) -lost
5  Dan Welch KC9LGR 02-12-2024 10:30 AM Launch -lost
6  Joe Dowd KE8DUP/2 Feb 25th 2024 14:22z Launch  -lost
7  Dan Welch KC9LGR/D 03-20-2024 11:15 AM Launch -lost
8 Rob Best KC9LGS/H (Launched 03-21-2024) -lost
9 Dan Welch 03-27-24 -Lost
10  Brian's AA0AAB -Found Multiple Around the World Orbits!! -Flying
11 Bob Creswick 06-20-2024 (NB4C/B) Flying
12 Phil W7TSO 06-14-2024 Fell from sky over France
13 Chuck Cole K4TZO/2 Lost
14 Rob Best KC9LGS 05-09-24 Flying
15 Dennis O'Quinn 05-29-2024 Sank in Green Bay Wisconsin4CXX/B
16 Robert Luken W3RDL/D Launched 07-11-24      New Launch 7-24     (Old Luanch May 24)
17 Mr & Mrs. Zayas May 27 2024 5:30 PM EDT Call Sign W4ERZ/A
18 Alan Zimmerman May-24-2024 KM4ND/A See June 24-24 Video of Launch
19 Chuck Cole's friend (Terry) Call Sign N4OLT/A Flying                        [Launch Video Link]
20 Lisa Neuscheler Call Sign KC1YL/A Flying                                             [Launch Video Link]
21 Jim Grebey N4KCT/B 07-10-24 Flying                                                      [Launch Video Link]
22 Rodger Boogren AK4MI/A 07-01-24 Flying                                             [Launch Video Link]
23 Steve Melachrinos W3HF 07-04-24 Flying
24 Randy Stackhouse N4RTL 07-07-24                                                        [Launch Video Link]
25 Brian Wilkins KO4AQF/B 07-22-24                                                             [Launch Video Link]
26 Charlie Sufana   AJ9N   07-25-24                                                                [Launch Video Link]
27 William Remington KQ4NMB 07-26-24                                                      [Launch Video Link]





 KC9LGS/8 Live Flight